From the book 'Haunted Dartmoor' by Kevin Hynes
Dewerstone is steeped in history as it is the site of an Iron Age hill fort which overlooks the river Plym. The notorious Dewerstone is an imposing rocky outcrop with the name Dewer; in ancient Celtic this means “Devil”.
Legend states that the devil himself is said to charge across the haunted realm of Dartmoor each night leading towards Shaugh Prior and the Dewerstone. The devil is known to chase lost travellers across the moor to meet their imposing death by being chased by the eerie haunt and falling 150ft from the devils rock straight off the top of the Dewerstone to their deathbed.
This area is a well visited beauty spot with the majority of visitors unaware of the spine chilling encounters that have been witnessed in the past by those unfortunate to have encountered the darker side of the moor.
Legend states that anyone who catches a glimpse of the Dewer and his pack of wist hounds will be dead within the year.
One well known legend states that a local farmer was returning home late one evening from The Warren House Inn, when all of a sudden out of the vivid darkness he saw approaching the menacing skirmish of a hunter being accompanied by gigantic hounds with glowing eyes penetrating through the swirling mists.
The farmer halted his horse as the huntsman drew closer, with enough confidence he enquired as to whether the dark cloaked huntsman had had a good night’s hunt, to which the cloaked figure tossed a small bundle towards him. The farmer did not ponder and hurried back home to unravel the bundle.
Once he had dismounted from his horse he carefully unwrapped the small bundle only to find a hideous sight of the farmer’s dead infant child.